Q178: How and when are the commissions in PRO-COMM account type calculated?

Sie sind hier: ibookfishing » Hilfe » FAQ » Q178: How and when are the commissions in PRO-COMM account type calculated?
In PRO-COMM accounts there is no subscription fee but ibookfishing charges 1.5% of the price shown to the user when making the reservation. The minimum commission is EUR 0.20 for the first 100 in given month, then EUR 0.10. The reservations that you as the administrator enter into the system are always free of charge. In order to be able to use the PRO-COMM account you need to allow your customers to make online bookings (so the reservation form must be accessible from your website), plus you must define pricing so that ibookfishing has a base for calculating the commission.

The commission is deducted from your account credits immediately upon entering a new reservation by your client. Please note that if you run out of credits, you get an email and then have 2 weeks to recharge your account.

If at a later time the client cancels their reservation, the commission is refunded (added back to your credits). If you, as the administrator, cancel user's reservation, the commission is refunded if the cancellation was made before rental start time and only if you allow ibookfishing to send cancel notifications to the end users.

If, after using ibookfishing for a while, you'd like to switch to the subscription fee-based ibookfishing PRO, you can always do so in the Subscription tab, where you can also add credits to your account and see all charges on your account.