Q183: I'm not using optional or obligatory payment approval modes but I'd still like to let my clients pay online if they wish.

Jesteś tutaj: ibookfishing » Pomoc » FAQ » Q183: I'm not using optional or obligatory payment approval modes but I'd still like to let my clients pay online if they wish.
Yes, you can do this. It's especially useful when you're using automatic confirmations and you want to give clients a choice of pre-payment (e.g. if someone wants to purchase your service as a gift). This way you can take advantage of a number of features of ibookfishing which track PayPal payments. This way in reservation details you will always see if there is a payment associated with the reservation. Also, if you use ibookfishing to create invoices, the amount paid/owed will be properly displayed.

You have two choices.

1. You can create a customized message sent to user upon reservation with the $(payment_form_url) tag in the body. This tag will be replaced with a link to a payment page on ibookfishing.com.

2. If you're using advanced integration and don't ever want your user to go to ibookfishing.com, you can go to customized translations, and in the second step search for S_VEREMSUCCONF. This is the text that is displayed to the user upon successful reservation. Click on this text to translate it and add anywhere within it the $(payment_form) tag. This will be replaced by ibookfishing with the code for the PayPal payment button.