Q194: Can I filter out resources displayed in the resource list page or change their ordering?

Sie sind hier: ibookfishing » Hilfe » FAQ » Q194: Can I filter out resources displayed in the resource list page or change their ordering?
Yes, you can do both.

To filter out resources, pass the res_filter_name and res_filter_value parameters to the URL of the page containing the ibookfishing plugin. This will only display resources having a custom property with the name defined by res_filter_name and value defined by res_filter_value (custom properties can be added to all resources in settings / custom resource properties, then you need to edit each resource to set the custom property values).

Please note that res_filter_name must be in the form: prop_res_xxx (all lower case, spaces replaced by underscores and with the prop_res_ prefix), e.g for the property "Number of persons", this should be e.g.: &res_filter_name=prop_res_number_of_persons&res_filter_value=3

You can try the example below. It will only list accommodations for 2 persons max:

To change the default ordering, you can add the sort parameter to the URL. As in case of filters, this will be in form sort=prop_res_XXX